GLIMPCE - GREAT LAKES INTERNATIONAL MULTIDICIPLINARY PROGRAM ON CRUSTAL EVOLUTION Acquisition Parameters for all Seismic Lines Survey Company: Can-Nav Ltd. and Geophoto Service Ltd. Acquisition Company: Geophysical Services Inc. Direction: A (S to N, refraction, Superior) A (S to N, reflection, Superior) B (N to S, NE Superior) C (N to S, W Superior) F (N to S (BFlink), then E to W, E Superior) G (E to W, N Superior) H (S to N + dogleg called line 3, to ENE, N Michigan) I (S to N, NW Huron/Georgian Bay) J (E to W, E Georgian Bay to NW Huron) 1: southern portion of line I 2: eastern portion of line J SOURCE Type: Airgun Array (60 guns) Volume: 7780 cu ft Pressure: 1900 - 2000 psi Depth(AVG): 6 m INSTRUMENT Make: DFS V Filter: HiCut 64.0 Hz / LoCut 5.3 Hz Sample Rate:4 ms Record Legth: 20 s RECEIVERS Array: 3024 stream Group Length: 25 m group Depth(AVG): 10-14 m SPREAD Fold: 30 or 24 Sp Interval: 50 m or 62.5 m (low water temp caused streamer to sink, forcing a speed increase.) (50 m: B) (62.5 m: C, G, H, I, J) (50 m and 62.5 m: A, F) Group Interval: 50 m