ALBERTA BASEMENT: VAuLT (1995) Seismic lines 32E, 34E, 32C, 34C Transect: ALBERTA BASEMENT: VAuLT (1995) Survey Company: Datamax Surveys Acquisition Company: Pioneer Explorations Directions: 32 (S to N), 34E (W to E), 34C (E to W) Source Type: Vibroseis SP/VP Interval: E: 40m; C: 400 m Sweep: 8-40Hz Sweep Length: 50 s (40 s for 32C, 34C) Record Length / Sample rate: 55 s for 32C, 34C; 115 s for 32E, 34E / 8 ms Source Pattern: 8 Vibrators /800 m Instrumentation: ARAM 24 Geophone Type: 32E, 34E: single component 32C, 34C: 3-component, 2 recorded Frequency: Group Interval: 40 m (32E, 34E) 25 m (32C, 34C) Number of Geophones in a group: 9 (32C, 34C: 1) Geophone Spacing: 9 over 25 m Recording: 448+2 channels for 32E, 34E, 1000+2 channels for 32C, 34C Spread Configuration: 32C, 34C: all traces alive, no gap 32E, 34E: all traces alive, 5 stn. gap