ALBERTA BASEMENT: SALT (1995) Seismic lines 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31 and 32 Transect: ALBERTA BASEMENT: SALT (1995) Survey Company: Pioneer Explorations Acquisition Company: Datamax Services/ Pulsonic Directions: 21, 23, 25, 29 (N to S) 22 (W to E) 30, 31 (E to W) 32 (S to N) Source Type: Vibroseis SP/VP Interval: 100 m Sweep: 10-80 Hz Sweep Length: 20 s Record Length/Sample Rate: Source Pattern: 4 Vibrators/ 100 m Sweeps: 8 Instrumentation: ARAM 24 Geophone Type: OYO DX Frequency: 10 Hz Group Interval: 25 m Number of Geophones in a group: 9 Geophone Spacing: 3.1 m Geophone Pattern: 9 over 25 m Spread Configuration: Spread:1<---------->240 * 241<----------->480 Distance:6050<------>75.0 * 75.0<--------->6050 (m)