Selbaie - Observer's Log May 26,1996 File # Depth Corrected DeptTime Comments 1 1050.1 1061.396851 11:001 CAP Test for signal 2 1050.1 1061.396851 2 charges; drive chain lost 3 1045.1 1056.350204 chain came off small spraket; bad shot 4 1045.1 1056.350204 clock reset 5 1040 1051.202624 6 1035.1 1046.25691 7 1030 1041.109329 8 1025.3 1036.365481 9 1020.1 1031.116968 10 1015.1 1026.070321 12:44 11 1010 1020.92274 missed first shot; reshoot 12 1005.1 1015.977026 13 1000.4 1011.233178 14 995.1 1005.883732 15 990.1 1000.837084 16 985.2 995.8913702 17 980.1 990.74379 18 975.1 985.6971428 19 970.2 980.7514285 20 965.2 975.7047813 13:19 21 960 970.4562682 22 955.1 965.5105539 wind gusts 23 950.1 960.4639066 24 945.1 955.4172594 25 940.1 950.3706122 26 935.1 945.323965 27 930.1 940.2773177 28 925 935.1297376 29 920.2 930.2849562 13:44 30 915 925.0364431 31 910 919.9897959 no record 32 905.2 915.1450145 33 900.2 910.0983673 34 895 904.8498542 35 890 899.8032069 36 885.1 894.8574927 37 880.1 889.8108454 38 875.1 884.7641982 39 870.1 879.717551 14:14 40 865.21 874.78193 41 860 869.5233236 42 855 864.4766763 43 850 859.4300291 44 845.2 854.5852478 45 840.1 849.4376676 46 835 844.2900874 47 830 839.2434402 48 825.1 834.2977259 49 820.1 829.2510787 14:37 50 815 824.1034985 51 810 819.0568513 52 805 814.010204 53 800.2 809.1654227 54 795 803.9169096 55 790 798.8702623 56 785 793.8236151 57 780.1 788.8779008 58 775 783.7303207 no record 59 770.1 778.7846064 15:01 60 765 773.6370262 61 760 768.590379 62 755.1 763.6446647 63 750.2 758.6989504 64 745 753.4504373 65 740 748.40379 66 735 743.3571428 67 730 738.3104956 68 725 733.2638484 sunny 69 720 728.2172011 15:23 70 715 723.1705539 71 710 718.1239067 72 705 713.0772594 73 700 708.0306122 74 695 702.983965 visitors 75 690 697.9373177 wind gusts 76 685 692.8906705 77 680 687.8440233 note: all the rest done with 1 charge 78 675 682.7973761 79 670 677.7507288 15:45 80 665 672.7040816 81 660 667.6574344 82 654.9 662.5098542 83 650 657.5641399 84 644.9 652.4165597 85 640 647.4708454 86 635 642.4241982 87 630 637.377551 no record 88 625 632.3309038 89 620 627.2842565 90 614.9 622.1366763 16:10bad URAP; restart down 5 meters 91 610 617.1909621 92 605 612.1443148 93 599.9 606.9967347 94 595 602.0510204 95 590 597.0043731 96 585 591.9577259 97 580 586.9110787 98 575 581.8644315 99 570 576.8177842 16:30 100 565 571.771137 101 560 566.7244898 102 555 561.6778425 103 550 556.6311953 104 545 551.5845481 105 540 546.5379008 106 535 541.4912536 107 530 536.4446064 108 525 531.3979592 109 520 526.3513119 16:50 110 515 521.3046647 111 508.5 514.7440233 112 504.9 511.1104373 113 500 506.164723 114 495 501.1180758 115 490 496.0714285 116 485 491.0247813 bouncing 117 480 485.9781341 118 475 480.9314869 119 470 475.8848396 17:10 120 465 470.8381924 wind gusts 121 460 465.7915452 truck going by 122 455 460.7448979 123 450 455.6982507 124 445 450.6516035 125 440 445.6049562 126 435 440.558309 127 430 435.5116618 128 425 430.4650146 129 420 425.4183673 17:35 130 415 420.3717201 131 410 415.3250729 132 405 410.2784256 133 400 405.2317784 134 394.9 400.0841982 135 390 395.1384839 136 384.9 389.9909038 137 380 385.0451895 138 375 379.9985423 139 370 374.951895 140 365 369.9052478 17:57 141 360 364.8586006 142 355 359.8119533 143 350 354.7653061 144 344.9 349.6177259 145 340 344.6720116 146 334.7 339.3225656 147 330 334.5787172 148 325 329.53207 149 320 324.4854227 18:17 150 315 319.4387755 151 309.9 314.2911953 152 305 309.345481 153 290 294.2055393 shot taken twice at different depths; 2nd one recorded 154 285 289.1588921 shot taken twice at different depths; 2nd one recorded 155 280 284.1122449 156 275 279.0655977 157 270 274.0189504 158 265 268.9723032 pulling down rocks 159 260 263.925656 18:40 160 255 258.8790087 161 250 253.8323615 162 245 248.7857143 163 240 243.739067 164 235 238.6924198 truck 165 230 233.6457726 166 225 228.5991254 truck 167 220 223.5524781 168 215 218.5058309 169 210 213.4591837 19:14 170 205 208.4125364 171 200 203.3658892 172 195 198.319242 173 190 193.2725947 truck 174 185 188.2259475 175 180 183.1793003 19:24:00