Geometry files for Norman West survey are contained in this directory. Borehole Traces: First line of the following files gives (UTM Easting (m), UTM Northing (m) of borehole collar, junk, junk). The rest of the file is (hole number, wire line depth (zero is at ground level), azimuth (degrees), dip (degrees)). Files: hole n26 => falc_NW26.txt elevation = 362.6 m height of borehole collar = 0.7 m hole n33 => falc_NW33.txt elevation = 375.0 m height of borehole collar = 0.59 m hole n30 => no file UTM E = 507085.3 m UTM N = 5177898.1 m elevation = 367.2 m height of borehole collar = 0.5 m distance of collar of n30 to shot pit = 15 m azimuth looking from borehole collar to shot pit = 300 degrees vertical drop from collar to bottom of pit = 2m Shot location (UTM Easting (m), UTM Northing (m), elevation (m)). Found from location with respect to hole 30 (see information above). File: NWshot.txt Borehole traces were converted to x,y,z co-ordinates where z was corrected so that depth = 0 would be measured from the top of the highest borehole collar (hole n33 at an elevation of 375.59 m). Receiver locations were interpolated linearly between adjacent points on borehole trace. Method is recorded in MATLAB function 'interpbore2.m' and can be written out in format acceptable for loading into the header words of an ITA file using MATLAB script 'generate_geom.m' and can be plotted out using 'recplot.m'. Wire line depth for the geophones was measured from the top of the borehole casing of the hole being logged. The stretch factor for the cable used was 1.0405 (number provided by GSC/MRD). File: NW26xyz.txt NW33xyz.txt are borehole traces (n26 and n33) converted to x,y,z coordinates (z=0 at top of hole 33) File: NW26rec.txt NW33rec.txt are files of (field file ID (FFID), x,y,z, direct shot receiver distance, charge size) for each receiver location. File: n26_ffid_cwl.txt n33_ffid_cwl.txt are files of (FFID, corrected wire line depth). MATLAB script for generating this file from observer notes (files NW26_obs.txt NW33_obs.txt which are files of FFID/wire line depth/charge size, is 'fix_wire.m'.