Data Acquisition Parameters for NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES Lines: MacKenzie Delta Region (1986) NWT- Mackenzie Delta (1986) Seismic lines 1 and 2 Survey Company: Eagle Surveys Acquisition Company: Enertec Geophysical Direction: 1 N to S 2 E to W Source Type: Vibroseis SP/VP Interval: 200 m Sweep: Sweeps: 12 Sweep Length: 32 ms Record Length/Sample Rate: 48 s, 4 ms Source Pattern: 4 Vibrators over 100 m Instrumentation: DFS V FT-1 Geophone Type: GSC -20-D Frequency: 10 Hz Group Interval: 100 m Number of Geophones in a group: 24 Geophone Pattern: 24 over 100 m Spread Configuration: Tr.100--600 m * 600 m--Tr. 101 Tr.1-----15000 m----- * -----7500 m-----Tr.120