Acquisitionm parameters for all seismic lines Acquisition Company: Haliburton Geophysical Services Vessel: M/V Edward O. Vetter Directions: IC-LI 1A (N to S), 2-L2 1C, 3-L2, 2-L1 (S to N), 6B-D 5, 7-5, 7, 6B-LI (E to W) Date: Aug. 20 to Sept. 6 1992 SOURCE Type: Airgun Volume: 11352 cubic inches Pressure: 1950 psi Depth(AVG): 12 m INSTRUMENT Make: TITAN 1000 Filter: 8 (12)-90(72) Hz(dB) Sample Rate: 4 ms Record length: 20 s RECEIVERS Make: D-28 dish type Array: 64 per group Receiver Spacing: 0.4 m Groups: 180 Depth(avg): 10 m SPREAD Fold: 45 Shot Interval: 50 m (75 m in strong currents: 6A-L1A, 7A) Group Interval: 25 m Live Section Length: 74.5 m Spread Configuration: 180 groups at 25 m, near group is 180