Acquisition parameters Contractor: Halliburton Geophysical Services Recorded: 1992 Vessel: M/V Edward O. Vetter Navigation: STARFIX satellite, GPS backup Source: Airgun array, 191.27 L total volume, 29 m long x 75 m wide, 10 m deep Source interval: 50-75 m Receivers: 25 m spacing, 10 m depth Coverage: 3000%-4500% Instrumentation: 180 channel Titan 1000 Recording: 20 s at 4 ms sample rate in SEGD format Processing Contractor: CGG Geophysics Canada Ltd. Static correction: Sea level datum Spherical divergence correction FK filtering: reject 1500-2500 m/s CDP sorting Deconvolution: 36 ms gap Trace equalization: 2 s windows, 50% overlap Multiple elimination: Subtraction of 1D wace-equation model Velocity analysis NMO correction Stack Predictive deconvolution Trace mixing: weighted 7-trace mix FK Migration: 80%-100% of stacking velocities Time-variant bandpass filter