No. |
Processing History |
Line (3-L2)-(2-L1) |
1 |
Format Conversion |
SEGD reformat: 20 s/ 0.004 s |
Record Length |
20 s |
Sample Interval |
0.004 s |
2 |
Cable and Source Adjustment to Sea Level |
0.036 s |
3 |
Amplitude Compensation |
Yes |
Spherical Divergence Gain Recovery |
(T/250) exp1 (T is in ms) |
4 |
Pre-CDP Gather Filter |
FK Filter |
Full Attenuation Zone |
1500-2500 m/s |
Attenuation Limit |
3500 m/s |
5 |
CDP Collection |
Yes |
6 |
Deconvolution |
Trace to trace predictive |
Operator Length |
0.2 s |
Operator Gap |
0.036 s |
Pre-Whitening |
(0.10 %); (1.00 %); (3.00 %) |
Design Window (near T) |
(0.5-2 s); (2-8 s); (8-20 s) |
7 |
Pre-NMO Corrections |
Yes |
Dynamic Equalization |
Trace to trace |
Window |
2 s; Overlap: 50% |
8 |
Multiple Attenuation |
Subtraction of Wave Equation Model (WEMOL) |
9 |
NMO Corrections |
Revised |
10 |
Post-NMO Mutes |
Yes |
11 |
CDP Stack |
45 fold (sort weight) |
12 |
Post-Stack Deconvolution |
Trace to trace predictive |
13 |
7 Trace Mix (weighted) |
Yes |
14 |
Post-Stack Corrections |
Dynamic equalization (trace to trace) |
Window (0.4 s) |
0-4 s; Overlap: 50% |
Window (1.0 s) |
3-10 s; Overlap: 50% |
Window (2.0 s) |
9-20 s; Overlap: 50% |
15 |
Migration |
Yes |
FK Migration |
Smooth and reduced stacking velocities |
16 |
Post-Migration Corrections |
Decimate to every fourth trace |
17 |
Filter |
Coherency |
18 |
Reflection Corrections |
Reflection Power Law Gain |
19 |
Filter |
Zero phase bandpass: ORMSBY |
Time Variant |
Yes |
Operator Length |
0.3 s |
Time/Pass Band |
(0 s: 6,12,55,70 Hz); (12-20 s: 4,8,30,40 Hz) |
20 |
Post-Filter Corrections |
Dynamic equalization (trace to trace) |
Window (0.4 s) |
0-4 s; Overlap:50% |
Window (1 s) |
3-10 s; Overlap:50% |
Window (2 s) |
9-20 s; Overlap:50% |