14 files, 99.2 MB total
21G07.pdf77.3 MBMay 19th 2022
2020-2025 GNBC Strategic Plan.pdf1 MBApril 13th 2022
2020-2025 Plan stratégique CTC.pdf1.1 MBApril 13th 2022
Analyse environnementale des activités de toponymie autochtone au Canada 2021.pdf1.34 MBApril 13th 2022
CTC Principes et directives pour la dénominations des lieux 2011.pdf5.55 MBApril 7th 2021
Environmental Scan of Indigenous Toponymic Activities in Canada 2021.pdf1.39 MBApril 13th 2022
GNBC Principles and Procedures for Geographical Naming 2011.pdf3.17 MBApril 7th 2021
Indigenous Place Naming Initiatives_EN.pdf795 kBApril 13th 2022
Indigenous Place Naming Initiatives_FR.pdf796 kBApril 13th 2022
International Policy Scan of Indigenous and Minority Language Geographical Names FINAL.pdf4.86 MBApril 13th 2022
JUIN 2022 ÉBAUCHE Pratiques recommandées relatives aux noms géographiques autochtones.pdf596 kBFebruary 21st 2023
JUNE 2022 DRAFT Indigenous Place Naming Best Practices.pdf588 kBFebruary 21st 2023
OIC_1897.pdf232 kBJanuary 18th 2022
P.C. 2000-283 GNBC Order in Council CTC Décret en conseil.pdf499 kBApril 7th 2021