Preview of a tactile map of Newfoundland and Labrador with braille and large text for blind and low-vision users.

The map shows the following features:

The map title is Newfoundland and Labrador.

Tactile map scale. 3.2 centimetres = 200 kilometres

North arrow pointing to the top of the page.

Borders of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, shown as solid lines.

The Labrador Sea shown with a wavy symbol to indicate water.

A circle and the city name to show the location of Happy Valley-Goose Bay and Gander.

A filled star and the city name to show the location of St John's.

Text labels for the Labrador Sea.

The abbreviation "QC" to indicate the province of Quebec.

The abbreviation "NB" to indicate the province of New Brunswick.