Preview of a tactile map of Canada with braille for blind users.

The map shows the following features:

The map title is Canada.

Tactile map scale. 2.8 centimetres = 500 kilometres

North arrow pointing to the top of the page.

Provincial and Political borders, shown as dashed and solid lines.

The Oceans and Lakes, shown with a wavy symbol to indicate water.

Labels for Yukon Territory abbreviated to YT.

Northwest Territories abbreviated NT.

Nunavut abbreviated to NU.

British Columbia abbreviated to BC.

Saskatchewan abbreviated to SK.

Alberta abbreviated to AB.

Manitoba abbreviated to MB.

Ontario abbreviated to ON.

Quebec abbreviated to QC.

Newfoundland and Labrador abbreviated to NF.

Prince Edward Island abbreviated to PE.

Nova Scotia abbreviated to NS.

New Brunswick abbreviated to NB.


United States of America abbreviated to USA.

Alaska abbreviated to AK.