**************************************************************************************** Canada 1-km, 10-day, SPOT/VEGETATION composites for growing season 1998-2004 Abstract: As part of the climate change research, data from the SPOT/VEGETATION instrument are systematically corrected for period 1998-2004 and provided in this archive. The VGT archive contains observations acquired by the VEGETATION sensors 1 and 2 onboard SPOT 4 and 5 satellites. Initial data type 10-day S10 composites provided by CNES and pre-processed at VITO (Belgium) in full resolution (1km) were re-projected into standard LCC map projection and further corrected for BRDF effect and cloud contamination. Growing seasons 1998-2004 are presented with twenty 10-day composites from April 11, to October 31. Each composite contains four at-surface apparent reflectance bands: blue (0.43-0.47 mm), red (0.61-0.68 mm), near infrared (0.78-0.89 mm), and shortwave infrared (1.58-1.75mm) and two data layers containing NDVI and Cloud mask. The 10-day composite data were reprocessed following CCRS post-seasonal correction. This improved product is used in land cover and climate change studies to generate various high-level products such as Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) and Leaf Area Index (LAI). Georeferencing: Upper left geographic: 177d17'32.31" W; 66d54'22.82" N Lower right geographic: 62d32'49.65" W; 34d18'05.61" N Upper left geocoded: -2600000.000 E; 10500000.000 N Lower right geocoded: 3100000.000 E; 5700000.000 N True origin: 95d00'00.0000"W; 0d00'00.0000"N Pixel Information: Each pixel value is contained in a 2-byte (16-bit unsigned integer); pixel size, horizontal resolution: 1000m; pixel size, vertical resolution: 1000m Image Size: 5700 pixels x 4800 lines Purpose: The VGT composites are surface reflectance measurements free of residual errors (i.e., effects not representing the surface under uniform illumination and viewing conditions) as possible. Measurements are normalized to nadir-viewed images obtained under cloud-free conditions. The data sets portray land surface features only, without being obscured by interfering effects. The product is used in various land cover, environmental monitoring and climate change studies, for generating specialized spatial data products such as detailed land cover and biophysical parameter maps of Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR), Leaf Area Index (LAI) required for vegetated land cover studies. (http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/rd/apps/landcov/veg/emveg_e.html) **************************************************************************************** _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________