The file contains a NOAA AVHRR composite of Canada in "jpeg" format. The file contains 3 channels with 5700 pixels by 4800 lines. Red is the smoothed NDVI of Blue and Green channels below. Green is AVHRR Channel 2 surface BRDF interpolated. Blue is AVHRR Channel 1 surface BRDF interpolated. (BRDF) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (NDVI) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ! ! ProductIdentity = 19980721 # A unique identifier that distinguishes this product for all others. # Also used to name the product directory ! ProductType = COMPOSITE ! GeneratingCountry = CANADA ! GeneratingAgency = Manitoba Remote Sensing Centre ! GeneratingFacility = GEOCOMP II ! Satellite = NOAA_14 ! Sensor = AVHRR ! SensorOperationMode = Unknown ! NominalImageDateTime = 19980721 00:00:00 GMT # For Composite products this will be the Composite Start Date Time GMT # otherwise for single daily scenes it will be the Image Date Time. ! CompositePeriod = 10 days. ! NumberInputScenes = Unknown ! CatalogueUpdateFile = Unknown # Catalogue Update File Identifier ! BrowseImageFileName = Unknown ! ProductAccuracy = Unknown # This attempts to quantify the overall accuracy (x,y) of the product. # It is derived from the GEO_ERROR_R.IMG image layer. ! ViewAngle = -56.0000000 56.0000000 Degrees # For single daily scenes this takes values -55 to +55 while for composite products # the operator specifies the limits. ! NDVI_SelectionCriteria = MaxNDVI_RETOA # Identifies the file format of the data files. # **************** Image Dimensions and attributes **************** ! NumberOfPixels = 5700 ! NumberOfLines = 4800 ! NumberOfChannels = 1 # Default number of pixels/lines/channels in output image layers(s) ! DataFileFormat = IMG - Flat Raster ! BitsPerPixel = 16 Bits # Default pixel size in bits in output image(s) ! PixelFormat = UnsignedBinaryInteger # Default format for pixel data. ! ByteOrdering = Intel # Defines the default byte ordering (Intel/Motorola) of binary data greater than 8bits wide. # Indicates whether byte swapping has to be performed to get the correct digital values on the target # platform. Intel=PCs, SGI. Motorola=MAC, VMS, SUN platforms. # **************** Geometric Corrections **************** ! GeometricCorrections = EOD # This field is meant to give a level of merit or understanding of the geometric correction process. # Can take the value NONE or any combination of the following, terminated by a blank line:- # E - Earth rotation correction # P - Panoramic distortion, Earth curvature correction # L - Line length correction # O - Orbit Model Correction # V - Sensor view angle correction # D - Digital Elevation Model ! ResamplingAlgorithm = #Can take any one of the following:- #NONE - None #NEAR - Nearest Neighbour #BILIN - Bilinear Interpolation #CUBIC - 4-point cubic convolutions #8pt - 8 point modified sin(x)/(x) #16pt - 16 point modified sin(x)/(x) #K8 - Kaiser damped 8 point sin(x)/(x) #K16 - kaiser damped 16 point sin(x)/(x) # **************** Geographic and Map Projection information **************** ! CornersOfImage9 = 66.912698 66d54'45.7"N -177.263306 177d15'47.9"W Lat/Long of top left corner of image 84.104295 84d06'15.5"N -74.245082 74d14'42.3"W Lat/Long of top center of image 62.428531 62d25'42.7"N -9.997006 09d59'49.2"W Lat/Long of top right of image 54.245197 54d14'42.7"N -138.980340 138d58'49.2"W Lat/Long of center left of image 62.774814 62d46'29.3"N -89.936008 89d56'9.6"W Lat/Long of center of image 51.183725 51d11'1.4"N -45.449029 45d26'56.5"W Lat/Long of center right of image 36.218551 36d13'6.8"N -122.904216 122d54'15.2"W Lat/Long of bottom left of image 41.124885 41d07'29.6"N -92.125514 92d07'31.9"W Lat/Long of bottom center of image 34.301567 34d18'5.6"N -62.547110 62d32'49.6"W Lat/Long of bottom right of image ! ScenePixelSize = 1000.000000 Meters Easting ! SceneLineSize = 1000.000000 Meters Northing # Default pixel and line size in meters. ! SceneOffsetEasting = -2599000 Meters ! SceneOffsetNorthing = 10499000 Meters # The offset in meters of the top left corner of the image grid area from the map projection origin. # This will always be an integral number of pixels ! MapProjectionDatum = NAD 83 ! MapProjectionFalseEasting = 0.0000000 Map Origin, false easting, meters. ! MapProjectionFalseNorthing = 0.0000000 Map Origin, false northing, meters. ! MapProjectionMajorAxis = 6378135.0000000 Semimajor axis of reference ellipsoid, meters. ! MapProjectionMinorAxis = 6356750.5000000 Semiminor axis of reference ellipsoid, meters. ! MapProjectionOrigin = 0.000000 00d00'0.0"S -95.000000 95d00'0.0"W # Lat/Long of Map Projection Origin or central reference point or true scale. ! MapProjectionType = LCC 49.000000 49d00'0.0"N Lower standard parallel 77.000000 77d00'0.0"N Upper standard parallel