=========================================== Landsat 7 HDF-formatted data set =========================================== The enclosed Landsat 7 data is formatted using Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) version 4.1r2. The data are stored in separate files as HDF external elements with an HDF directory file providing pointers to the external files. The root directory of the delivery medium contains this readme file and a set of subdirectories - one per product ordered. Product subdirectories are labelled "product1", "product2", etc. All data files exist at a common level within the product subdirectory. =========================================== Reference Documents =========================================== Complete information on the format and content of this product can be found in the following product specification documents: L0-R: 430-11-06-007-3 Landsat 7 System Zero-R Distribution Product Data Format Control Book Volume 5 Book 1. Revision 3, July 1999, Goddard Space Flight Center. L1-R: 510-3DFC/0197 Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Level 1 Product Output Files Data Format Control Book Volume 5 Book 2. Revision 2, November 1998, Goddard Space Flight Center. L1-G and higher: 510-3DFC/0197 Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Level 1 Product Output Files Data Format Control Book Volume 5 Book 2. Revision 2, November 1998, Goddard Space Flight Center. Information on HDF is available from the NCSA web site at http://www.hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu or from http://www.hdfinfo.com. =========================================== Product Contents =========================================== HDF-formatted products are available in three basic categories - Level 0-R (raw, nominally aligned), Level 1-R (radiometrically corrected, nominally aligned), and Level 1-G or higher (systematic or precision geocorrection, with or without digital elevation model). The files delivered with each product type vary as follows: Level 0-R Products ------------------ Level 0-R products are delivered as a set of imagery files, band sequential in construction, along with ancillary payload correction data (PCD), mirror scan correction data (MSCD), scan line offsets (SLO), internal calibration imagery (CAL), geolocation (GEO), and associated LPS and ECS metadata describing the product. Level 1-R Products ------------------ Level 1-R products are delivered as a set of imagery files, band sequential in construction, along with ancillary payload correction data (PCD), mirror scan correction data (MSCD), scan line offsets (SLO), internal calibration imagery (CAL), geolocation (GEO), and associated LPS and LPGS metadata describing the product. Level 1-G and Higher Products ------------------ Level 1-G and higher products are delivered as a set of imagery files, band sequential in construction, along with associated LPGS metadata describing the product. No ancillary data is included in the Level 1-G and higher products. =========================================== File Naming Conventions =========================================== Level 0-R Products ------------------ For Level 0-R (L0-R) products, element file names are defined as follows: L7XsssfnYYDOYHHuuv_xxx.doymmmc where L7 - Landsat 7 identifier X - LS7 X-band used in data downlink sss - Receiving ground station f - ETM+ data format, 1 or 2 n - LPS processor number (1-9, 0 for n/a) YYDOYHH - year, Julian day of year, and hour of the contact period uu - subinterval number within the contact period (01-99, 00 for n/a) v - version number for the data set (0 for original, 1-9 for reprocessed data) xxx - file type identifier from the following list: HDF - HDF directory file B10 - Band 1 imagery B20 - Band 2 imagery B30 - Band 3 imagery B40 - Band 4 imagery B50 - Band 5 imagery B61 - Band 6 imagery (format 1) B62 - Band 6 imagery (format 2) B70 - Band 7 imagery B81 - Band 8 imagery CAL - Internal calibration imagery MSD - Mirror scan correction data PCD - Payload correction data SLO - Scan line offsets data GEO - Geolocation data MTA - LPS metadata MTP - ECS metadata doy - day of year that the data was processed mmm - minutes since midnight in hex that the data was processed c - an LPS counter The Level 0-R product also contains a calibration parameter file with the following naming convention: L7CPFYYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_VV.doymmmc where L7 - Landsat 7 identifier CPF - Calibration Parameter File identifier YYYYMMDD_YYYMMDD - start and end year month and day for the period the CPF describes doymmmc - as above Level 1-R, L1-G and Higher Products -------------------------------------- For Level 1-R (L1-R), L1-G and higher products, element file names are defined as follows: L7fppprrr_rrrYYYYMMDD_AAA.XXX where L7 - Landsat 7 identifier f - ETM+ data format, 1 or 2 ppp - Starting path of the product rrr - Starting row of the product rrr - Ending row of the product YYYYMMDD - acquisition date of the imagery AAA - file type identifier from the following list: HDF - HDF directory file (all products) B10 - Band 1 imagery (all products) B20 - Band 2 imagery (all products) B30 - Band 3 imagery (all products) B40 - Band 4 imagery (all products) B50 - Band 5 imagery (all products) B61 - Band 6 imagery (format 1) (all products) B62 - Band 6 imagery (format 2) (all products) B70 - Band 7 imagery (all products) B81 - Band 8 imagery (all products) CAL - Internal calibration imagery (L1-R products only) MSD - Mirror scan correction data (L1-R products only) PCD - Payload correction data (L1-R products only) SLO - Scan line offsets data (L1-R products only) GEO - Geolocation data (L1-R products only) MTA - LPS metadata (L1-R products only) MTL - LPGS metadata (all products) XXX - Product type (e.g., L1R, L1G) The Level 1-R product also contains a calibration parameter file with the following naming convention: L7CPFYYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_VV where L7 - Landsat 7 identifier CPF - Calibration Parameter File identifier YYYYMMDD_YYYMMDD - start and end year month and day for the period the CPF describes =========================================== Product Packaging =========================================== For tape products, data has been stored using the UNIX tar utility with a fixed blocking factor of 20 512-byte blocks. Use of tar allows for the preservation of filenames. See system documentation for the appropriate use of the tar utility to extract the product files from tape. CD products require no unpacking as no archive or compression is performed during product generation. Files within the product1 subdirectory are ready for use with HDF-compatible tools.