QU'APPELLE RIVER VALLEY LAND PLANNING DATA BASE FLYING CREEK PLANNING AREA SOILS 1. Coverage Specifications Original Map Scale: 1:50,000 Resolution : .000061035 of a degree Map Projection : None, i.e. latitude/longitude co-ordinates Datum : NAD27 Spheroid : Clarke 1866 Units of Measure : decimal degrees 2. Level I Latitude/Longitude Digital Data The Qu'Appelle River Valley land planning data in latitude/longitude co-ordinates are intended for GIS users who may wish to perform their own vertical integration of the various layers and themes, or for GIS users who may want to integrate these data with GIS data of their own. Thematic data layers are intentionally extended past the shoreline and as such does not contain the proper definition of shoreline. The data are not projected and co-ordinates, areas and perimeters are in decimal degrees. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DERIVE AREA STATISTICS FROM THESE DATA UNTIL THEY ARE INTEGRATED WITH A PROPER SHORELINE AND THE RESULTS PROJECTED TO A SUITABLE MAP PROJECTION. If the above restrictions do not meet your GIS objectives, obtain the equivalent Level II UTM data where all data themes have been vertically integrated, and where the results have been projected to UTM. 3. Attribute Schema (Polygon Attribute Table - PAT.DBF) a) Standard ArcInfo Polygon Attribute Table (PAT) variables: AREA Num 13,6 Area, in square degrees PERIMETER Num 13,6 Perimeter, in decimal degrees COVER_# Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo Polygon Number COVER_ID Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo User ID b) Original Digital Data Classification: S_TYPE_1 Char 5 1st Soil Association & Type Code S_TYPE_2 Char 5 2nd Soil Association & Type Code S_TYPE_3 Char 5 3rd Soil Association & Type Code S_TYPE_4 Char 5 4th Soil Association & Type Code 4. Valid Data Domain - Soil Association and Type Code ADCL - Ardill clay loam ADL - Ardill loam AFL - Asquith fine sandy loam ALL - Asquith light loam ALS - Asquith loamy sand AMCH - Amulet clay loam AML - Amulet loam AS - Asquith sand ASL - Asquith sandy loam AV - Alluvium AVC - Alluvium clay AVCL - Alluvium clay loam BAC - Balcarres clay BACL - Balcarres clay loam BGFL - Bigaar fine sandy loam BGGL - Biggar gravelly loam BGGSL - Biggar gravelly sandy loam BGL - Biggar loam BGLG - Biggar loam gravelly BGLL - biggar light loam BGLS - Biggar loamy sand BGLSG - Biggar loamy sand gravelly BGSL - Biggar sandy loam BGSLG - Biggar sandy loam gravelly BKCL - Brooking clay loam BKL - Brooking loam BRFCL - Bradwell fine sandy clay loam BRFL - Bradwell fine sandy loam BRL - Bradwell loam BRSCL - Bradwell sandy clay loam BRSL - Bradwell fine sandy loam BRVCL - Bradwell very fine sandy clay loam BRVL - Bradwell very fine sandy loan BYFL - Birsay fine sandy loam BYL - Birsay loam BYSL - Birsay sandy loam CACL - Canora clay loam CAL - Canora loam CALL - Canora light loam CASIL - Canora silt loam CDCL - Codworth clay loam CDL - Codworth loam CDLL - Codworth light loam CHLS - Chaplin loamy sand CHSL - Chaplin sandy loam CHSLG - Chaplin sandy loam gravelly CLLSO - Chaplin loamy sand gravelly CN - Caron CNSL - Caron sandy loam DS - Dune sand EC - Elstow clay ECL - Elstow loam ECL - Elstow clay loam EGCL - Edgeley clay loam EL - Elstow loam ELL - Elstow light loam ELSCL - Elstow silty clay loam ER - Eroded EX - Exposure FCL - Flaxcombe loam FXCL - Fox Valley clay loam FXL - Fox Valley loam FXSIC - Fox Valley silty clay loam FXSIL - Fox Valley silt loam GYFL - Gilroy fine sandy loam GYL - Gilroy loam GYSL - Gilroy sandy loam HRL - Haverhill loam HRSL - Haverhill sandy loam HTFL - Hatton fine sandy loam HTLS - Hatton loamy sand HTSL - Hatton sandy loam HW - Hillwash HYCL - Hanley clay loam HYL - Hanley loam IC - Indian Head clay ICL - Indian Head clay loam IHVC - Indian Head heavy clay ISICL - Indian Head silty clay loam KDCL - Kindersley clay KHL - Kettlehut loam KNL - Kelstern loam MEFL - Meota fine sandy loam MESL - Meota sandy loam MW - Meadow OCL - Oxbow clay loam OL - Oxbow loam OLL - Oxbow light loam RC - Regina clay RHC - Regina heavy clay RHVG - Regina heavy clay RML - Rosemae loam RVCL - Rocanville clay loam RVL - Rocanville loam RVSCL - Rocanville clay loam RW - Runway RYL - Ryerson loam SA - Saline SUC - Sutherland clay SUCL - Sutherland clay loam TCL - Trossachs clay loam TL - Troossaciis loam TUC - Tuxford clay TUCH - Tuxford clay loam TUL - Tuxford loam WCC - Wascana clay WCCL - Wascana clay loam WCL - Weyburn clay loam WFL - Weyburn fine sandy loam WGFCL - Wingello fine sandy clay loam WGFL - Wingello fine sandy loam WGL - Wingello loam WGSL - Wingello sandy loam WGVL - Wingello very fine sandy loam WHCL - Whitewoud clay loam WHL - Whitewood loam WL - Weyburn loam WLG - Weyburn loam gravelly WLL - Weyburn light loam WSGL - Whitesand gravelly loam WSGSL - Whitesand gravelly sandy loam WSH - Weyburn sandy loam WSLL - Whitesand light loam WSSL - Whitesand sandy loam WVL - Waitville loam WWCL - Willows clay loam YCL - Yorkton clay loam YL - Yorkton loam YLL - Yorkton light loam 5. Narrative Description of Qu'Appelle Soils Theme This theme classifies the soils of the Qu'Appelle River Valley into one to four of the soil associations and soil types listed above. 6. Accreditation The Canada Geographic Information System data extraction and distribution is managed by: The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Government of Canada Room 650 - 615 Booth Street Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0E9 Based on significant research and development by: The National Archives of Canada Statistics Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Data processing completed by: Spatialanalysis Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y ON3 The National Archives of Canada retains intellectual property. (Copyright) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 1999.