MARITIME STRATEGIC LAND USE DATA BASE (SLUD) LEVEL-II UTM DIGITAL DATA UPDATED CLI LAND USE (circa 1987) SLUD Level II UTM digital data have undergone the following transformation from their original Level I representation: a) The data are fully integrated with the corresponding CLI shoreline layer, i.e. the land use polygons are no longer extended into the water. b) The data are projected to UTM. c) A secondary attribute Component Table (CMP.DBF) is included and compatible with the ArcView Component Table Extension developed by Agriculture Canada. Note(s): i) The CLI shoreline is based on older edition topographic base maps which may no longer be current. ii) Strict adherence to the 6-degree UTM zone convention has been made during the projection of the data to UTM, i.e.: Zone 22 - all maps East of 54 W. Longitude Zone 21 - all maps between 54 and 60 W. Longitude Zone 20 - all maps between 60 and 66 W. Longitude Zone 19 - all maps between 66 and 72 W. Longitude Zone 18 - all maps between 72 and 78 W. Longitude Zone 17 - all maps between 78 and 84 W. Longitude Zone 16 - all maps between 84 and 90 W. Longitude Zone 15 - all maps between 90 and 96 W. Longitude Zone 14 - all maps between 96 and 102 W. Longitude Zone 13 - all maps between 102 and 108 W. Longitude Zone 12 - all maps between 108 and 114 W. Longitude Zone 11 - all maps between 114 and 120 W. Longitude Zone 10 - all maps between 120 and 126 W. Longitude Zone 09 - all maps West of 126 W. Longitude DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PROCESS OR VIEW DATA ACROSS UTM ZONES.