MARITIME STRATEGIC LAND USE DATA BASE (SLUD) LEVEL-I LAT/LONG DIGITAL DATA UPDATED CLI LAND USE (circa 1987) 1. Coverage Specifications Original Map Scale: 1:250,000 Resolution : .00024414 of a degree which corresponds to approximately 25 meters Map Projection : None, i.e., latitude/longitude Datum : NAD27 Spheroid : Clarke 1866 Units of Measure : decimal degrees 2. SLUD Level I Latitude/Longitude Digital Data SLUD Level I latitude/longitude digital data are intended for GIS users who wish to integrate SLUD thematic data with their own topological base maps, i.e. for GIS users who wish to "cookie-cut" the SLUD thematic layers with their own topological shoreline layer. SLUD Level I thematic data is intentionally extended past the shoreline and as such does not contain the proper definition of shoreline. The data are not projected and coordinates, areas and perimeters are in decimal degrees. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DERIVE AREA STATISTICS FROM THESE DATA UNTIL THEY ARE INTEGRATED WITH A PROPER SHORELINE AND THE RESULTS PROJECTED TO A SUITABLE MAP PROJECTION. If the above restrictions do not meet your GIS objectives, obtain the equivalent Level II UTM data with integrated base map from the same distribution source. 3. Attribute Schema (Polygon Attribute Table - PAT.DBF) a) Standard ArcInfo Polygon Attribute Table (PAT) variables: AREA Num 13,6 Area, in square degrees PERIMETER Num 13,6 Perimeter, in decimal degrees COVER_# Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo Polygon Number COVER_ID Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo User ID b) Original Digital Data Classification: Use_A Char 1 The primary and/or dominant land use code Percent_A Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Use_A (blank = 100%) Subclass_A Char 1 The subclass code for Use_A Spare_A Char 1 Un-used (blank) Use_B Char 1 The secondary land use code Percent_B Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Use_B (Blank = 0%) Subclass_B Char 1 The subclass code for Use_B Spare_B Char 1 Un-used (blank) Use_C Char 1 The tertiary land use code Percent_C Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Use_C (blank = 0%) Subclass_C Char 1 The subclass code for Use_C 4. Valid SLUD/CLI Land Use Codes CLI Land Use Codes B - Urban built-up area E - Mines, quarries, sand and gravel pits O - Outdoor recreation H - Horticulture G - Orchards and vineyards A - Cropland P - Improved pasture and forage crops K - Unimproved pasture and range land T - Productive woodland U - Non-productive woodland M - Swamp, marsh or bog S - Unproductive land - sand L - Unproductive land - rock 8 - Unmapped areas (see note below) SLUD Additional Codes N - Newly graded, land in transition I - Institutional, such as Indian Reserves, DND W - Wildlife, conservation, game preserves F - Dumps, sewage lagoons, waste disposal, junk yards, mine tailings C - Clear cutting of forested lands, denuded of vegetation Note: In the special case where Use_A is coded as '8', Subclass_A is coded as follows: Blank Unmapped area Z Water Area T Forest Reserves O National Parks B Urban Areas W Provinical Parks 5. Valid CLI Land Use Subclasses They are valid only in conjunction with uses A and P. The acceptable combinations and their significance are: USE SUBCLASS INTERPRETATION === ======== ============== A BLANK 95.0% - 100.0% cropland A 1 75.0% - 94.9% cropland A 2 50.0% - 74.9% cropland P BLANK 95.0% - 100.0% improved pasture and forage crops P 1 75.0% - 94.9% improved pasture and forage crops P 2 50.0% - 74.9% improved pasture and forage crops 6. Narrative Description of SLUD Updated CLI Land Use The Canada Land Inventory land use classification divided the land into 13 classes, based on air photo interpretation, field surveys, and census information. The land use information was originally compiled on maps at a scale of 1:50,000. This information was later generalized to a scale of 1:250,000 and land use classes were combined where necessary to facilitate the input of information to the computerized Geographic Information System. Only a handful of maps were selected for publication from that series of 1:250,000 maps. The CLI land use information is valid only for the year in which the air photos were taken or the area was field checked. As evidenced on the few printed maps (Montreal, Truro,Woodstock,Winnipeg and Prince Edward Island), this date varies from 1950 to 1970. Moreover, the date for one map sheet can vary as it is made up of sixteen 1:50,000 sub-components which themselves could have had variable dates. The average date of the inventory as a whole may be considered as 1966 but there is as yet no supportive evidence to this assumption. It may also be considered as 1961 vintage based on the evidence that the 1961 census was utilized the separate cropland from improved pasture. The Maritime Strategic Land Use Data Base Project had aim to update the CLI land use information to reflect land cover/land use conditions in 1987, or approximately 20 years after the original CLI inventory. It produced a mapping of the changed areas which was used in conjunction with the original CLI land use data to derive this 1987 updated product. The land use update was developed using Landsat-TM 3 band colour composite imagery for the years 1986 to 1988. The images were projected onto 1:50,000 scale topographic maps using a PROCOM-2 optical transfer device where they were classified into 21 land use classes. The base maps were aggregated up to the 1:250,000 scale and compared with the original CLI classification. The changed areas were then mapped using a specialized land use transaction based coding technique and digitized as such into the Canada Geographic Information System. Since their recovery from the CGIS, the SLUD land use changes have been applied to the original CLI data, using GIS overlay processing, to derive the intended SLUD output which is aimed to represent land use/ land cover conditions as of 1987. The stated potential uses for these maps included: a) as an information document for regional planning; for this, it is best used along with the land capability map series produced by the Canada Land Inventory. b) as a historical document presenting the use of the land at a particular point in time. c) to provide a 20-year land use change perspective 7. CLI Land Use Code Descriptions 'B' Built-up area. Land occupied by cities, towns, and villages, or by isolated units away from settlements such as manufacturing plants, rail yards, and military camps. Parks and other open spaces within built-up areas are also included. 'E' Mines, quarries, sand and gravel pits, open excavations. Land used in the past or present for the extraction of earth materials. '0' Outdoor recreation - Land used for private or public outdoor recreational purposes. Some examples are: golf courses, parks, beaches, summer cottage areas, game preserves and historic sites. 'H' Horticulture, poultry and fur operations. Land used for intensive cultivation of vegetables and small fruits, includes market gardens, nurseries, flower and bulb farms and sod farms. Large scale commercial fur and poultry farms are also included because of their specialized agricultural nature. 'G' Orchards and vineyards. Land used for the production of tree fruits, hops and grapes. 'A' Cropland - Land used for annual field crops such as grain, oilseeds, sugar beets, tobacco, potatoes, field vegetables and canning crops. Associated fallow, and land being cleared for field crops are also included. 'P' Improved pasture and forage crops.- Land used for improved pasture or for the production of hay and other cultivated fodder crops, including land being cleared for these purposes. 'K' Rough grazing and range land. Areas of natural grasslands, sedges, herbaceous plants and abandoned farmland whether used for grazing or not. Bushes and trees may cover up to 25% of the area. Intermittently wet hay lands (sloughs or meadows) are included as long as the land is utilized. Within some grassy, open woodlands, bushes and trees may exceed 25% cover if the area is actively grazed and no other use dominates. 'T' Productive woodland.Wooded land with trees having over 25% canopy cover and being over 20 feet in height approximately. Artificially restocked areas, or plantations are included regardless of age. Much cut-over and burned-over land is included. 'U' Non-productive woodland. Land covered by scrub growth. 'M' Swamp, marsh, or bog. Open wetlands except those which frequently dry up or show evidence of grazing or hay cutting. 'S' Sand, sand bars, sand flats, dunes and beaches - Unproductive unconsolidated land which does not support vegetation. 'L' Rock and other unvegetated surfaces - rock barrens, badlands, alkaline flats, gravel bars, eroded river banks, mine dumps. Unproductive land which does not support vegetation. For further information see "A Guide to the Classification of Land Use For the Canada Inventory", January, 1968. 8. Accreditation The Canada Land Inventory extraction and distribution is managed by: The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Government of Canada Room 650 - 615 Booth Street Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0E9 Based on significant research and development by: The National Archives of Canada Statistics Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Data processing completed by: Spatialanalysis, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 0N3 The National Archives of Canada retains intellectual property. (Copyright) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 1999.