EAST-CENTRAL LABRADOR ECOLOGICAL LAND INVENTORY TRANSVERSE MERCATOR INTEGRATED MOSAIC 1. Coverage Specifications Original Map Scale: 1:125,000 Resolution : originally .000061035 of a degree which corresponds to approximately 6 meters Map Projection : Transverse Mercator, with projection parameters as follows: Longitude of Central Meridian: 60.0 West Latitude of Origin: 0.0 (Equator) False Easting: 0.0 False Northing: 0.0 Scale factor at Central Meridain: 1.00000 Datum : NAD27 Spheroid : Clarke 1866 Units of Measure : meters 2. Level II Transverse Mercator Digital Data Enhancements The East-Central Labrador Ecological Land Survey (ELS) data in Transverse Mercator have ungergone the following transformation from their original Level I representation: a) All sixtewen map sheets have been horizontally integrated so as to form a single mosaic for the entire study area. b) The mosaic data are vertically integrated with a corresponding shoreline layer, i.e. an additional variable qualifies each polygon as being a land or water area. c) The data are projected to Transverse Mercator projection, and the attribute tables therefore contain valid length and area measures in square meters and meters resp. The projection is similar to UTM but overcomes the problem of the two UTM zones within the study area.