CANADA LAND USE MONITORING PROGRAM LEVEL-II UTM DIGITAL DATA 1986 LAND COVER / LAND ACTIVITY 1. Coverage Specifications Original Map Scale: 1:50,000 Resolution : .000061035 of a degree Map Projection : Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Datum : NAD27 Spheroid : Clarke 1866 Units of Measure : meters 2. CLUMP Level II UTM Digital Data Enhancements CLUMP Level II UTM digital data have undergone the following transformation from their original Level I representation: a) The data are fully integrated with the corresponding Canada Land Inventory (CLI) shoreline layer, i.e. the CLUMP land use/land cover polygons are no longer extended into the water. b) The data are projected to UTM. c) For comparison and for analysis across census years, the data are 'cookie-cut' to a consistent study area boundary. Note(s): i) The CLI shoreline is based on older edition topographic base maps, which may no longer be current. ii) The following UTM zone designation has been made during the projection of the data to UTM: St. John's, Newfoundland UTM Zone 22 Chicoutimi, Quebec UTM Zone 19 Quebec, Quebec UTM Zone 18 Trois Rivieres, Quebec UTM Zone 18 Montreal, Quebec UTM Zone 18 Ottawa-Hull UTM Zone 18 Oshawa, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Toronto, Ontario UTM Zone 17 St.Catherines-Niagara, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Hamilton, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Kitchner, Ontario UTM Zone 17 London, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Windsor, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Sudbury, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Thunder Bay, Ontario UTM Zone 16 Winnipeg, Manitoba UTM Zone 14 Regina, Saskatchewan UTM Zone 13 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan UTM Zone 13 Calgary, Alberta UTM Zone 11 ** Vancouver, British Columbia UTM Zone 10 Victoria, British Columbia UTM Zone 10 Chilliwack, British Columbia UTM Zone 10 ** these centers actually span more than one UTM zone DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PROCESS OR VIEW DATA ACROSS UTM ZONES. iii) In the process of integrating the CLI shoreline with these data, every attempt has been made to conserve the look and contents of the original CLUMP manuscripts. To this end, a restricted small area dissolve procedure has been applied to the overlay results. We apologize if any of these small areas persists, or if small areas have been eliminated as a result of this procedure. iv) There is no formal definition of the study area boundary which was utilized to 'cookie-cut' the land use data. In general, the study area boundary is larger than the Statistics Canada 'Urban Area' definition and smaller than the Statistics Canada 'Census Metropolitan Area'. 3. Attribute Schema (Polygon Attribute Table - PAT.DBF) a) Standard ArcInfo Polygon Attribute Table (PAT) variables: AREA Num 13,6 Area, in meters PERIMETER Num 13,6 Perimeter, in meters COVER_# Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo Polygon Number COVER_ID Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo User ID b) Original Digital Data Classification: Acitivity Char 2 The CLUMP Land Activity Code Cover Char 2 The CLUMP Land Cover Code 4. Valid CLUMP Land Activity Codes A1 - Annual tillage crops, forage and grazing A2 - Fruit, berry and nut production A3 - Other productive land - agricultural A4 - Agricultural site activities B1 - Former agricultural activities B2 - Former forestry activities B3 - Other former activities D0 - Dwelling activities E0 - Extraction activities F1 - Productive land - forestry activities F2 - Forest site activities G1 - Wildlife and fisheries activities G2 - Wildlife and fisheries site activities H0 - Transportation and communication activities J0 - Institutional Services L0 - Land in transition M1 - Commercial, manufacturing M2 - Treating and disposal of wastes N0 - No perceived activities P0 - Ecological research, conservation, flood control and drainage activities R1 - Land dependent recreational activities R2 - Indoor and outdoor recreational and cultural site activities 07 - Undifferentiated urban 08 - Unclassified 09 - Outside study area 5. Valid CLUMP Land Cover Codes V1 - Row crops V2 - Close grown crops V3 - Improved grass and legumes V4 - Unimproved grassland, reeds, sedges, mosses and other non-woody plants W1 - Trees W2 - Shrubs, bushes and vines X0 - Denuded surfaces Y0 - Constructed cover Z0 - Water 07 - Undifferentiated urban 08 - Unclassified 09 - Outside study area 6. Narrative Description of CLUMP Land Use/Land Cover The 1986 CLUMP land activity/land cover classification divided the land into many classes (see 7 below), based on air photo interpretation, field surveys, and census information. The 1986 land activity/land cover classification was compiled from change overlays at a scale of 1:50,000. This change overlay was combined with the CLUMP(1981) coverage to produce a 1986 CLUMP land use coverage. 7. CLUMP Land Activity Class Descriptions Land activity class: A1 Short description: Annual tillage crops, forage and grazing Detailed description: All agricultural activities that use land as a producing medium. The ability of the land to produce may be increased by various means such as fertilizing, irrigating, draining, seeding, etc. Exclusions: Land on which the activity is the production of fruit and berries; agricultural site activities. Land activity class: A2 Short description: Fruit, berry and nut production Detailed description: Land on which the activity is the production of fruit and berries. Includes active orchards, vineyards, bush berry and strawberry patches, and fields. Land activity class: A3 Short description: Other productive land - agricultural activities Detailed description: Includes land used for growing ornamental shrubs and trees, sod, and all land where the activities are related to the productive capability of the land and which are agricultural in nature. Following and plowed fields are included in this class where it is unknown what future use will be made of them. Exclusions: Does not include possible associated greenhouse part of a nursery operation. Land activity class: A4 Short description: Agricultural site activities Detailed description: Land occupied by agricultural activities such as animal shelter and feeding, outside animal holding areas, crop storage facilities, greenhouses, repairing agricultural machinery, tobacco curing an packing, mushroom growing, bee-keeping and honey-making, and farm waste storage. Land activity class: F1 Short description: Productive land - forestry activities Detailed description: Includes all forestry activities that use land as a producing medium. Includes land that is actively being cut and is designated for cutting, for producing new trees for transplant, and is being restocked for forestry uses. Includes land used for logging, gathering seed and raising seedlings, forestry research, maple sugar bushes, Christmas tree farms, and holly production. Exclusions: Does not include forested land on which only recreation and/or wildlife land activities occur. Also does not include land that has the potential for forestry and is not designated for those purposes. Also excludes forestry site activities (see F2) Land activity class: F2 Short description: Forestry site activities Detailed description: All forestry activities that use land as a site rather than a production medium. Lumber camps, forest management stations, fire towers, logging camps, and maple syrup making activities (aside from tapping) are included. Land activity class: G1 Short description: Wildlife and fisheries activities Detailed description: All activities related to wildlife where land is the wildlife production medium. This includes those wildlife activities where the wildlife resource is cropped for food and fur or is being protected. Activities include hunting, trapping, wildlife preserves/sanctuaries, and commercial fishing lakes. Exclusions: Wildlife and fisheries site activities (see G2) Land activity class: G2 Short description: Wildlife and fisheries site activities Detailed description: Includes wildlife related activities that use land as a site rather than as a production medium. Activities include hunting and trapping camps, breeding wildlife and managing, fish hatcheries and fish runs and ladders. Land activity class: E0 Short description: Extraction activities Detailed description: All activities related to the extraction of non-renewable resources (includes underground water). This includes all extraction activities that take place on the surface such as quarrying, open pit mining, strip mining, gravel/sand and clay pits, top soil removal, etc. Also includes all land under which the underground extraction of oil, gas, water, minerals, coal, etc. is taking place. Also includes the surface under which the underground extraction is taking place such as actively pumped oil and gas fields, and ore bodies being mined. Also include extraction site activities such as pumping stations, tailings areas, material handling (e.g.,crushing) and placer mining. Land activity class: R1 Short description: Land dependent recreational activities Detailed description: Includes all recreational activities (including cultural) that cover relatively large areas and usually are dependent on the natural capability of the land for that activity. Parks are included if their natural conditions are the source of recreation. Includes, golf courses, skiing, trail using activities, nature viewing, historical and archeological sites, areas associated with swimming and boating, hunting and fishing areas (e.g., trout farms) Land activity class: R2 Short description: Indoor and outdoor recreational and cultural site activities Detailed description: Includes all indoor and outdoor recreational, and cultural activities that occur on man-made sites and therefore are not dependant on the natural capability of the land for that activity. Outdoor activities include zoo, game farm, botanical garden, arboretum, amphitheater, drive-in theater, stadium, racetrack, fairground, amusement park, playing field, outdoor shooting, rifle range, bandshell, etc. Indoor activities include all indoor cultural, recreational, entertainment, and sports activities, The names of such areas, are legitimate theatre, motion picture theatre, auditorium, exhibition and exposition hall, art gallery, museum, planetarium, library, bowling ally, indoor skating, YMCA and YWCA, health spa, indoor swimming pool, pool and billiards, curling, gymnasium, etc. Land activity class: D0 Short description: Dwelling activities Detailed description: Dwelling is a site activity. It includes all land where dwelling occurs either as a permanent, as a temporary, or as a seasonal activity. Includes all land with the full range of housekeeping activities occur. Such activities are sleeping, cooking, cleaning & eating, etc. either on a permanent or seasonal basis. Includes land on which dwelling occurs but whose prime function is to provide shelter and sleeping areas. The occupants are not responsible for cooking and cleaning. Such places are hotels, dormitories, retirement homes, etc. Land activity class: H0 Short description: Transportation and communication activities Detailed description: This class includes all land where the activity is the transferring of goods, people and information from one place to another. It includes associated terminal or storage activities. Activities include transporting by road, rail, air, water (portage routes, canals, locks, dams), pipelines, transporting of electricity. Communication activities include telegraphing, telephone, broadcasting, and postal service terminal activities. Land activity class: M1 Short description: Commercial, manufacturing Detailed description: All land where physical conversion of materials take place through processing or combination with other materials so as to improve or to preserve its usefulness. Also includes all land used or occupied by facilities used for storing. Excludes agriculture site storage activities. Includes land activities associated with electric energy and heat generation, raw material processing, processing processed goods (e.g., wood, textile, chemical goods), assembling products, and storage activities. Also includes lands where commercial activities take place (wholesaling, retailing, and commercial services). Land activity class: M2 Short description: Treating & Disposal of Wastes Detailed description: Processing of waste into useful products or before it can be released into the environment. This includes the disposal of waste. Land activity class: J0 Short description: Institutional services Detailed description: Includes all land providing institutional services though government, private, or private enterprise. Activities include providing legislative, judicial, and legal service, providing protective and custodial services, providing educational services, providing health, medical, and care service, providing welfare, philanthropic, and charitable services, religious and associated activities, and providing a place for communication and assembly. Land activity class: P0 Short description: Ecological research, conservation, flood control, and drainage activities Detailed description: Land on which the activity or use of land is for ecological research, preservation of soil, or conservation of water. Land activity class: B1 Short description: Former agricultural activities Detailed description: Includes all land on which there is at present no activity taking place but on which there is perceived to have been activity in the past. The stress is on the fact that past activity must be evident either by abandoned or derelict buildings or structures or by other visible evidence. Land activity class: B2 Short description: Former forestry activities Detailed description: Includes all land on which there is at present no activity taking place but on which there is perceived to have been activity in the past. The stress is on the fact that past activity must be evident either by abandoned or derelict buildings or structures or by other visible evidence. Land activity class: B3 Short description: Other former activities Detailed description: Includes all land on which there is at present no activity taking place but on which there is perceived to have been activity in the past. The stress is on the fact that past activity must be evident either by abandoned or derelict buildings or structures or by other visible evidence. Land activity class: N0 Short description: No perceived activities Detailed description: Includes all land on which there is no perceived activity taking place by whatever data source is used in mapping. Also there should be no visible evidence of former activities. This does not mean that no activity is taking place on the land but by whatever means or combination of means is used to gather the data no activity is perceived to be taking place. Land activity class: L0 Short description: Land in transition Detailed description: Includes all land on which there is evidence that at some future date there may be a land use activity on the land. The stress here is on the "may" because the land cover or surface may be disturbed or changed by human activity in preparation or testing for the future activity but may not proceed to the future activity. An example is land being disturbed for future residential development but the process never proceeds to actual development due to economic or political reasons. Land activity class: 07 Short description: Undifferentiated urban Land activity class: 08 Short description: Unclassified Land activity class: 09 Short description: Outside study area 8. CLUMP Land Cover Class Descriptions Land cover class: W1 Short description: trees Detailed description: Includes all land on which mature trees are one of the dominant covers according to the above criteria. Most mature trees are usually 6-9 metres in height. Class includes plantation trees and natural trees. This class must form the dominant cover or at least 25% of a mapping unit with mixed cover. Land cover class: W2 Short description: Shrubs, bushes and vines Detailed description: Includes land occupied by small or immature trees, shrubs, bushes, dwarf trees are the dominant cover; or are one of the dominant covers with 25 percent or more crown cover. This vegetation cover is under the 6-9 metre height limit. Also includes all land whose dominant cover is vines. Land cover class: V1 Short description: Row crops Detailed description: Includes all land which is planted as row crops. Land which has crops planted in rows a distinguishable distance apart. Included are corn, vegetables, sugar beets, potatoes, most seed crops, tobacco, flowers and bulbs, etc. This land is tilled annually. Normally there is only one crop forming the land cover but there can be exceptions. Cropland planted to legumes and grasses are not included. Land that has been ploughed should not be included as this does not indicate at all times that annually cultivated crops will be grown. Land cover class: V2 Short description: Close grown crops Detailed description: Land that is covered by close grown crops but still has much bare soil between close rows. Included are all the small grains such as wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, millets, and mixed grains. This land is tilled annually. Normally there is only one crop forming the land cover but there can be exceptions. Cropland planted to legumes and grasses are not included. Land that has been ploughed should not be included, as this does not indicate at all times that annually cultivated crops will be grown Land cover class: V3 Short description: Improved grass and legumes Detailed description: Land that grows grasses and/or legumes. This includes land that produces grasses and legumes that are harvested mechanically; land that is planted in legumes and grasses and grazed by animals, but for only a few years and then used for cultivated crops; and permanent pasture which is tilled only to reestablish the grasses and legumes. This also includes large grass areas that are kept closely cut. Such cover occurs on turf or sod farms, lawns and special playing fields. Normally a large area has one uniform cover. Where the cover is mixed this class must occupy at least 25 percent of cover. Land cover class: V4 Short description: Unimproved grassland, reeds, sedges, mosses, and other non-woody plants. Detailed description: Includes all land dominated by grass, reeds, or sedges but not improved. These areas may be subjected to continuous disturbance such as mowing and grazing. Some grasslands are natural and will remain so. Others are the early stages of plant succession on abandoned farmland or former forested land. These will revert to forest cover if left undisturbed. Grass covered wetland and tundra areas are included. Land areas in this category may range from mostly grass cover to where grass forms only a part of the cover. Also includes mosses and/or lichens and other non-woody vegetation. Where the cover is mixed this class must occupy at least 25 percent of cover. Land cover class: X0 Short description: Denuded surfaces Detailed description: Includes land covered by bare surfaces that are naturally occurring or result from human activities. Includes Land covered by exposures of bedrock. These rock surfaces can be either naturally occurring or due to man's activities. Rock knobs, cliffs, and quarries are examples. Also includes land covered by unconsolidated material due to natural or man's activities. These materials may be clay, salt, sand, gravel, etc. Some examples are gravel pits, sand dunes, beaches, talus, topsoil removal. Land cover class: Y0 Short description: Constructed cover Detailed description: Land covered by constructed cover such as building structures and constructed surfaces, such as roads. These surfaces can also be unconsolidated constructed surfaces, though in some cases these may be compacted such as dirt and gravel roads, railway beds, etc. Exclusions: Does not include land where material is removed such as quarries, gravel pits, or topsoil. Land cover class: Z0 Short description: Water Detailed description: All surfaces that are covered by water either as a liquid or a solid. Includes land covered by ice and snow and surfaces covered with natural or human made bodies of water, including sewage lagoons. Exclusions: Ocean areas Land cover class: 07 Short description: Undifferentiated urban Land cover class: 08 Short description: Unclassified Land cover class: 09 Short description: Outside study area For further information see "Land Use Classification for Land Use Monitoring", David M. Gierman, 1981. 9. Accreditation The Canada Land Use Monitoring Program data extraction and distribution is managed by: The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Government of Canada Room 650 - 615 Booth Street Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0E9 Based on significant research and development by: The National Archives of Canada Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Delta, B.C. Data processing completed by: Spatialanalysis, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 0N3 The National Archives of Canada retains intellectual property. (Copyright) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 1999.