CANADA LAND INVENTORY LEVEL-II UTM DIGITAL DATA LAND CAPABILITY FOR RECREATION 1. Coverage Specifications Original Map Scale: 1:50,000 Resolution : originally .000061035 of a degree, which corresponds to approximately 6 meters Map Projection : Universal Transverse Mecator (UTM) Datum : NAD27 Spheroid : Clarke 1866 Units of Measure : meters 2. CLI Level II UTM Digital Data Enhancements CLI Level II UTM digital data have undergone the following transformation from their original Level I representation: a) The data are fully integrated with the corresponding CLI shoreline layer, i.e. the CLI polygons are no longer extended into the water. b) The data are projected to UTM. e) The class modifier code, which was inconsistently coded in the original digital version of the data, was eliminated. Note(s): i) The CLI shoreline is based on older edition topographic base maps, which may no longer be current. ii) The following UTM zone designation has been made during the projection of the data to UTM: St. John's, Newfoundland UTM Zone 22 Halifax, Nova Scotia UTM Zone 20 St. John, New Brunswick UTM Zone 19 ** Chicoutimi, Quebec UTM Zone 19 Quebec, Quebec UTM Zone 19 Montreal, Quebec UTM Zone 18 Ottawa-Hull UTM Zone 18 Oshawa, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Toronto, Ontario UTM Zone 17 St.Catherines-Niagara, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Hamilton, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Kitchner, Ontario UTM Zone 17 London, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Windsor, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Sudbury, Ontario UTM Zone 17 Thunder Bay, Ontario UTM Zone 16 Winnipeg, Manitoba UTM Zone 14 Regina, Saskatchewan UTM Zone 13 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan UTM Zone 13 Edmonton, Alberta UTM Zone 12 ** Calgary, Alberta UTM Zone 11 ** Vancouver, British Columbia UTM Zone 10 Victoria, British Columbia UTM Zone 10 ** these centers actually span more than one UTM zone DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PROCESS OR VIEW DATA ACROSS UTM ZONES. iii) In the process of integrating the CLI shoreline with these data, every attempt has been made to conserve the look and contents of the CLI map manuscripts. To this end, a restricted small area dissolve procedure has been applied to the overlay results. We apologize if any of these small areas persists, or if small areas have been eliminated as a result of this procedure.