CANADA LAND INVENTORY LEVEL I LAT/LON DIGITAL DATA SOIL CAPABILITY FOR AGRICULTURE 1. Coverage Specifications Original Map Scale: 1:50,000 Resolution : .000061035 of a degree Map Projection : None, i.e. latitude/longitude co-ordinates Datum : NAD27 Spheroid : Clarke 1866 Units of Measure : decimal degrees 2. CLI Level I Latitude/Longitude Digital Data CLI Level I latitude/longitude digital data are intended for GIS users who wish to integrate CLI thematic data with their own topological base maps, i.e. for GIS users who wish to "cookie-cut" the CLI thematic layers with their own topological shoreline layer. CLI Level I thematic data is intentionally extended past the shoreline and as such does not contain the proper definition of shoreline. The data are not projected and co-ordinates, areas and perimeters are in decimal degrees. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DERIVE AREA STATISTICS FROM THESE DATA UNTIL THEY ARE INTEGRATED WITH A PROPER SHORELINE AND THE RESULTS PROJECTED TO A SUITABLE MAP PROJECTION. If the above restrictions do not meet your GIS objectives, obtain the equivalent Level II UTM data with integrated base map from the same distribution source. 3. Attribute Schema (Polygon Attribute Table - PAT.DBF) a) Standard ArcInfo Polygon Attribute Table (PAT) variables: AREA Num 13,6 Area, in square degrees PERIMETER Num 13,6 Perimeter, in decimal degrees COVER_# Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo Polygon Number COVER_ID Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo User ID b) Original Digital Data Classification: Class_A Char 1 The primary and/or dominant CLI class Percent_A Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Class_A (blank = 100%) Subclas_A1 Char 1 The primary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_A Subclas_A2 Char 1 The secondary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_A Class_B Char 1 The secondary CLI class Percent_B Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Class_B (blank = 0%) Subclas_B1 Char 1 The primary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_B Subclas_B2 Char 1 The secondary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_B Class_C Char 1 The tertiary CLI class Percent_C Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Class_C (blank = 0%) Subclas_C1 Char 1 The primary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_C Subclas_C2 Char 1 The secondary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_C Note(s): i) To classify the data in a manner similar to the way the CLI paper maps were printed, use field Class_A. ii) For a better understanding of what factor(s) limit the land for agriculture, use field Subclas_A1. iii) For the location of specific land unit types, use a combination of classes and limitation subclasses. 4. Valid CLI Classes 1 . No Significant Limitations 2 . Moderate Limitations; moderate conservation practices required. 3 . Moderately Severe Limitations; range of crops restricted or special conservation practices required. 4 . Severe Limitations. 5 . Forage Crops - Improvement practices feasible 6 . Forage Crops - Improvement practices not feasible 7 . No Capability for arable culture or permanent pasture 0 . Organic Soils 8 . Unclassified areas; see note below W . Water Note: Unclassified areas (Class_A=8) make use of the Subclas_A1 field to indicate why the area was not classified, as follows: Class_A=8, Subclas_A1= BLANK - Unmapped Area Class_A=8, Subclas_A1= Z - Water Area Class_A=8, Subclas_A1= T - Forest Reserves Class_A=8, Subclas_A1= O - National Parks Class_A=8, Subclas_A1= B - Urban Areas Class_A=8, Subclas_A1= W - Provincial Parks Class_A=8, Subclas_A1= I - Irrigated Rating Only 5. Valid Limitation Subclasses C . Adverse climate D . Undesirable soil structure and/or low permeability E . Erosion F . Low fertility I . Inundation by streams or lakes M . Moisture limitation N . Salinity P . Stoniness R . Consolidated bedrock S . Cumulative adverse soil characteristics T . Topography limitation W . Excess water X . Cumulative minor adverse characteristics 6. Narrative Description of CLI Classification In this classification the mineral soils were grouped into 7 classes on the basis of soil survey information. Soils classed as 1,2,3 or 4 were considered capable of sustained use for cultivated field crops; those in classes 2 and 6 for perennial forage crops; those in class 7 for neither. Some of the important factors on which the classification was based are: The soils would be well managed and cropped, under a largely mechanized system. Land requiring improvements, including clearing, that could be made economically by the farmer himself, was classed according to its limitations or hazards in use after the improvements had been made. Land requiring improvements beyond the means of the farmer himself was classed according to its present condition at the time of the inventory. The following were not considered: distances to market, kind of roads, location, size of farms, type of ownership, cultural patterns, skill or resources of individual operators, and hazard of crop damage by storms. The classification did not include capability of soils for trees, tree fruits, small fruits, ornamental plants, recreation or wildlife. The classes were based on intensity, rather than kind, of their limitations for agriculture. Each class included many kinds of soil, and many of the soils in any class required unlike management and treatment. 7. CLI Agriculture Class Descriptions Class 1 Soils in this class have no significant limitations in use for crops. The soils are deep, are well to imperfectly drained, hold moisture well, and in the virgin state were well supplied with plant nutrients. They can be managed and cropped without difficulty. Under good management they are moderately high to high in productivity for a wide range of field crops. Class 2 Soils in this class have moderate limitations which restrict the range of crops or require moderate conservation practices. The soils are deep and hold moisture well. The limitations are moderate and the soils can be managed and cropped with little difficulty. Under good management they are moderately high to high in productivity for a fairly wide range of crops. Class 3 Soils in this class have moderately severe limitations which restrict the range of crops, or require special conservation practices. The limitations are more severe than for Class 2 soils. They affect one or more of the following practices: timing and ease of tillage, planting and harvesting, choice of crops, and method of conservation. Under good management they are fair to moderately high in productivity for a fair range of crops. Class 4 Soils in this class have severe limitations which restrict the range of crops, or require special conservation practices, or both. The limitations seriously affect one or more of the following practices: timing and ease of tillage, planting and harvesting, choice of crops, and method of conservation. The soils are low to fair in productivity for a fair range of crops but may have high productivity for a specially adapted crop. Class 5 Soils in this class have very severe limitations which restrict their capability to producing perennial forage crops, and improvement practices are feasible. The limitations are so severe that soils are not capable of use for sustained production of annual field crops. The soils are capable of producing native or tame species of perennial forage plants, and may be improved by use of farm machinery. The improvement practices may include clearing of bush, cultivation, seeding, fertilizing or water control. Class 6 Soils in this class are capable only of producing perennial forage crops, and improvement practices are not feasible. The soils provide some sustained grazing for farm animals, but the limitations are so severe that improvement by use of farm machinery is impractical, terrain may be unsuitable for use of farm machinery, the soils may not respond to improvement, or the grazing season may be very short. Class 7 Soils in this class have no capability for arable culture or permanent pasture. This class also includes rock land, other non-soil areas and bodies of water too small to show on maps at mapping scale. Class 0 Organic soils.(Not placed in capability classes). 8. CLI Subclass Descriptions 'C' Adverse climate - This subclass denotes a significant adverse climate for crop production as "median" climate which is defined as one with sufficiently high rowing-season temperatures to bring crops to maturity. 'D' Undesirable soil structure and/or low permeability This subclass indicates soils that are difficult to till or soils where water is absorbed very slowly or where the depth of rooting zone is restricted by conditions other than a high water table or consolidated bedrock. 'E' Erosion This subclass includes soils where damage from erosion is a limitation to agricultural use. Damage is assessed on loss of productivity and on the difficulties in farming with gullies. 'F' Low fertility - Included are soils having low fertility that either is correctable with careful management in the use of fertilizers and soil amendments, or is difficult to correct by any practical means. The limitations may be due to lack of plant nutrients, high acidity or alkalinity, low exchange capacity, high levels of carbonates or presence of toxic compounds. 'I' Inundation by streams or lakes - This subclass includes soils subjected to inundation causing crop damage or restricting agricultural use. 'M' Moisture Limitations - This consists of soils where crops are affected by drought owing to inherent soil characteristics. These soils usually have low water-holding capacity. 'N' Salinity - Soils of this subclass possess excessive soluble salts which adversely affect crop growth or restrict the range of crops that may be grown. 'P' Stoniness - These soils are sufficiently stony to hinder tillage, planting and harvesting operations. 'R' Consolidated bedrock - This subclass includes soils where the presence of bedrock near the surface restricts their agricultural use. Consolidated bedrock at depths greater than 3 feet from the surface is not considered as a limitation except on irrigated lands where a greater depth of soil is desirable. 'S' There are two interpretations accorded to subclass S. In the case of maps generally produced before 1969, subclass S will be used in place of subclasses D,F,M or N. If two or more of subclasses D,F,M or N are applicable to the same area, then again subclass S will be substituted. On most of the maps subsequent to 1969, the applicable subclass D,F,M or N will appear if an area is classified with a single subclass. For areas classified with two or more of D,F,M or N then subclass S will appear, denoting a combination of subclasses. 'T' Topography = This subclass is made up of soils where topography is a limitation. Both the percent of slope and the pattern or frequency of slopes in different directions affect the cost of farming and the uniformity of growth and maturity of crops as well as the hazard of erosion. 'W' Excess water - This subclass includes soils where excess water other than that brought about by inundation is a limitation to agricultural use. Excess water may result from inadequate soil drainage, a high water table, seepage or from runoff from surrounding areas. 'X' This subclass is comprised of soils having a limitation resulting from the cumulative effect of two or more adverse characteristics. For full details see 'The Canada Land Inventory, Soil Capability Classification for Agriculture' Report No. 2, 1969. 9. Accreditation The Canada Land Inventory extraction and distribution is managed by: The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Government of Canada Room 650 - 615 Booth Street Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0E9 Based on significant research and development by: The National Archives of Canada Statistics Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Data processing completed by: Spatialanalysis Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y ON3 The National Archives of Canada retains intellectual property. (Copyright) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 1999.