CANADA LAND INVENTORY LEVEL-II UTM DIGITAL DATA SPORT FISH CAPABILITY 1.0 Coverage Specifications Original Map Scale: 1:250,000 Resolution : originally .00024412 of a degree, which corresponds to approximately 25 meters Map Projection : Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Datum : NAD27 Spheroid : Clarke 1866 Units of Measure : meters 2. CLI Level II UTM Digital Data Enhancements CLI Level II UTM digital data have undergone the following transformation from their original Level I representation: a) The data are fully integrated with the corresponding CLI shoreline layer, i.e. the CLI polygons are no longer extended into the water. b) The data are projected to UTM. Note(s): i) The CLI shoreline is based on older edition topographic base maps, which may no longer be current. ii) For the Maritime provinces, the 6-degree UTM zone convention is utilized, except for map sheets 011g and 011j which have been projected into Zone 20 instead of 21. For Alberta strict adherence to the 6-degree UTM zone convention has been made during the projection of the data to UTM, i.e.: Zone 20 - all maps between 60 and 66 W. Longitude Zone 19 - all maps between 66 and 72 W. Longitude Zone 12 - all maps between 108 and 114 W. Longitude Zone 11 - all maps between 114 and 120 W. Longitude DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PROCESS OR VIEW DATA ACROSS UTM ZONES. iii) In the process of integrating the CLI shoreline with these data, every attempt has been made to conserve the look and contents of the printed CLI maps. To this end, a restricted small area dissolve procedure has been applied to the overlay results. We apologize if any of these small areas persists, or if small areas have been eliminated as a result of this procedure. 3. Attribute Schema (Polygon Attribute Table - PAT.DBF) a) Standard ArcInfo Polygon Attribute Table (PAT) variables: AREA Num 13,6 Area, in square meters PERIMETER Num 13,6 Perimeter, in meters COVER_# Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo Polygon Number COVER_ID Num 11,0 Standard ArcInfo User ID b) Original Digital Data Classification: Class_A Char 1 The primary and/or dominant CLI class Percent_A Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Class_A (blank = 100%) Subclas_A1 Char 1 The primary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_A Subclas_A2 Char 1 The secondary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_A Class_B Char 1 The secondary CLI class Percent_B Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Class_B (blank = 0%) Subclas_B1 Char 1 The primary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_B Subclas_B2 Char 1 The secondary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_B Class_C Char 1 The tertiary CLI class Percent_C Char 1 The proportion (% base 10) of the polygon in Class_C (blank = 0%) Subclas_C1 Char 1 The primary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_C Subclas_C2 Char 1 The secondary limitation for the proportion of the polygon in Class_C 4. Valid CLI Classes 1. Waters in this class have no important limitations to the production of sport fish. 2. Waters having slight limitations to the production of sport fish. 3. Waters having moderate limitations to the production of sport fish. 4. Waters having severe limitations to the production of sport fish. 8. Unclassified land or water areas (See "Special Cases" below) 5. Valid Limitation Subclasses D - Depth Restriction F - Flow Restriction L - Insufficient Light Penetration N - Lack of Nutrient O - Lack of Oxygen T - Temperature Restriction S - Special Factors Note: In the special case where class_A is coded as '8', Subclas_a1 is coded as follows: Blank Unmapped land area Z A water area which was not specifically classified for sport fish capability. 6. Narrative Description of CLI Classification Because sport fish, which contribute most to recreation, are carnivores at the peak of the food chain, their yield capability is low in terms of energy in the system. Capability of individual water bodies for sport fish depends on both the habitat of the food chain organisms and the sport fish themselves. Sport fish capability of individual water areas with equal inputs of solar energy is classified on the basis of nutrients. The class is determined by the degree to which physical and chemical factors limit the habitat of the food chain organisms and the sport fish. Subclasses are the factors which cause the limitation. Research data, recorded observations and experience are used as the basis for placing water areas in capability classes and subclasses. Where such information is lacking, classes and subclasses are assigned on the basis of experience gained with similar water areas elsewhere. Good sport fish management practices, which are feasible and practical are assumed. Present production is useful for classification only when it reflects capability of sport fish production. Present use, (including pollution), ownership, access, angling pressure or distance from roads or cities offer no limitation to the capability of the water for sport fish. Capability ratings are subject to change as new information becomes available. 7. CLI Sport Fish Class Descriptions CLASS 1 Waters in this class have no important limitations to the production of sport fish. Class 1 waters are fertile, fairly shallow or with ample shoal areas, warn, well oxygenated and free of inorganic turbidity. CLASS 2 Waters in this class have slight limitations to the production of sport fish. Class 2 waters have a good level of nutrients but may have slight limitations due to physical and/or chemical factors. CLASS 3 Waters in this class have moderate limitations to the production of sport fish. Class3 waters are relatively poor in nutrients with moderate to severe limitations to game fish production. CLASS 4 Waters in this class have severe limitations to the production of sport fish. Class 4 waters are poor in nutrients and have severe limitations to game fish production. 8. CLI Sport Fish Limitation Sub-class Descriptions 'D' Depth - Limitations due to depth could include mean depth, littoral development or basin shape. 'F' Flow - Limitations include irregular water flow in streams, water level fluctuations or changes in flushing rate. 'L' Light Penetration - Limitations due to inorganic turbidity. 'N' Nutrient - Limitation due to lack of nutrient in the water. 'O' Oxygen - Limitation due to shortage of dissolved oxygen at all seasons of the year. Extreme cases of oxygen deficient show up as winter or summer kill of fish populations. 'T' Temperature - Limitation may be due to low surface temperature or to unfavourable thermal stratification. 'S' Special Factors - Moderate limitations due to a single factor or the cumulative effect of two or more adverse characteristics which may affect class ratings. The factors may include short shoreline compared to area, ion imbalance or lack of special physical features such as spawning facilities. 9.Accreditation The Canada Land Inventory extraction and distribution is managed by: The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Government of Canada Room 650 - 615 Booth Street Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0E9 Based on significant research and development by: The National Archives of Canada Statistics Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Data processing completed by: Spatialanalysis Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Y 0N3 The National Archives of Canada retains intellectual property. (Copyright) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 1999.