The projection of all data supplied is Lambert Conformal, with parallels at 49 and 77, and an origin at 95 longitude and 60 latitude. COVERAGE NAMING CONVENTIONS AND MAP LEGENDS The following coverage names and associated map legends are used to identify the final products. AGRCFIN - CLI Agriculture Land Capability Class: 1 Class 1 2 Class 2 3 Class 3 4 Class 4 5 Class 5 6 Class 6 7 Class 7 8 Organic Soils 9 Unclassified AGRSFIN - CLI Agriculture Limitation Sub-Class: 1 Adverse Climate 2 Undesirable Soil 3 Erosion 4 Low Fertility 5 Inundation 6 Moisture Limitation 7 Salinity 8 Stoniness 9 Consolidated Bedrock 10 Adverse Soil 11 Topography 12 Excess Water 13 Minor Characteristics 14 No Limitations 15 Unclassified ACOMFIN - Combined CLI Agriculture Capability Class and Limitation Sub-Class: 1 Prime Agriculture Lands (CLI Class 1 and 2) 2 Marginal Agriculture Lands (CLI Class 3 and 4) 3 Limited by Stoniness 4 Limited by Adverse Soil 5 Limited by Topography 6 Limited by Other Factors 7 Organic Soils (CLI Class 8) 8 Unclassified FORCFIN - CLI Forestry Land Capability Class 1 Class 1 2 Class 2 3 Class 3 4 Class 4 5 Class 5 6 Class 6 7 Class 7 8 Unclassified FORSFIN - CLI Forestry Limitation Sub-Class 1 Drought or Aridity 2 Combined Climatic Factors 3 Low Temperatures 4 Exposure 5 Moisture Deficiency 6 Excessive Moisture 7 Excessive/Moisture/Deficiency 8 Organic Soils/Bedrock 9 Rooting Depth/Non-Bedrock 10 Rooting Depth/Bedrock 11 Restricting Layers 12 Eroding Soils 13 Low Fertility 14 Inundation 15 Perennial Frozen Material 16 Excessive Calcium 17 Excessive Toxicities 18 Stoniness 19 Soil Factors 20 None 21 Unclassified FCOMFIN - Combined CLI Forestry Capability Class and Limitation Sub-class 1 Prime Forestry Lands (CLI Class 1 and 2) 2 Marginal Forestry Lands (CLI Class 1 and 2) 3 Limited by climate 4 Limited by soil moisture 5 Limited by permeability and rooting depth 6 Limited by other soil factors 7 Unclassified UNGCFIN - CLI Ungulates Land Capability Class 1 Class 1 2 Class 1W 3 Class 2 4 Class 2W 5 Class 3 6 Class 3W 7 Class 4 8 Class 5 9 Class 6 10 Class 7 11 Unclassified UNGSFIN - CLI Ungulates Limitation Sub-class 1 Aridity 2 Climate 3 Snow Depth 4 Exposure 5 Fertility 6 Landform 7 Inundation 8 Soil Moisture 9 Adverse Soil 10 Soil Depth 11 Adverse Topography 12 No Limitations 13 Unclassified UCOMFIN - Combined CLI Ungulates Capability Class and Limitation Sub-Class 1 Prime (CLI Class 1 and 2) 2 Marginal (CLI Class 1 and 2) 3 Limited by Climate 4 Limited by Landform 5 Limited by Soil Moisture 6 Limited by Other Land Factors WATCFIN - CLI Waterfowl Capability Class 1 Class 1 2 Class 1S 3 Class 2 4 Class 2S 5 Class 3 6 Class 3S 7 Class 3M 8 Class 4 9 Class 5 10 Class 6 11 Class 7 12 Unclassified WATSFIN - CLI Waterfowl Limitation Sub-Class 1 Aridity 2 Free Flowing Water 3 Climate 4 Fertility 5 Landform 6 Inundation 7 Reduced Marsh Edge 8 Soil Moisture 9 Adverse Soil and Water 10 Soil Depth 11 Adverse Topography 12 Water Depth 13 No Limitations 14 Unclassified WCOMFIN - Combined CLI Waterfowl Capability Class and Limitation Sub-Class 1 Prime Waterfowl Areas (CLI Class 1 and 2) 2 Marginal Waterfowl Areas (CLI Class 1 and 2) 3 Limited by Fertility 4 Limited by Reduced Marsh Edge 5 Limited by Adverse Topography 6 Limited by Other Factors RECCFIN - CLI Recreation Land Capability Class 1 Class 1 2 Class 2 3 Class 3 4 Class 4 5 Class 5 6 Class 6 7 Class 7 8 Unclassified CLI_FIN - Combined CLI Land Capabilities 1 Prime Lands in 3 CLI Capabilities 2 Prime Lands in 2 CLI Capabilities 3 Prime CLI Forestry Lands (1,2,3) 4 Prime CLI Agriculture Lands (1,2,3) 5 Prime CLI Recreation Lands (1,2,3) 6 Prime CLI Ungulates Lands (1,2,3) 7 Prime CLI Waterfowl Areas (1,2,3) 8 Other Non-Prime CLI Areas 9 Organic Soils Three overlay layers were prepared with dual CLI classification (‘agrforcs’,’agrwatcs’,’forungcs’). The dual classification was in the following form: First Cover Class * 100 + Second Cover Class The Major Code represents the capability class of the first overlay layer, and the Minor code represents the capability class of the second overlay component; e.g., for AGRFORC, the major code is for CLI Agriculture class number, the minor code is for CLI Forestry class number An s attached to a coverage name indficates a weeded or smoothed vector version