March 1998 by L. st-Laurent ================ This directory contains the vectorized land cover data. See all individual describe and readme files. - Vectorized from raster using combination Pamap and arc/info processing. - Equivalent to about 1:2M scale. - Done originally for Agriculture Canada. (1992-3) - delivered in pieces (one province at a time - because of Arc/info limitations. - Used by Motorola (1996-1998) after conversion to geographic projection in decimal seconds - Arc/info covers are in lambert conformal conic 49/77 with origin at 49N 95W. except for those in decimal degrees. - A few papers written mainly described in the one for GIS95 Vancouver conference see Stefan Palko. - Generalized used by World Conservation Centre (1:7.5M) - Generalized to 35M for insert on a map (see stuff by KaRL SIMENSON) - All files are unix compressed. - All e00 files have no compression. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F_CODE Class description ------ ------------------------ -------- ----------- 1 Mixed forest 2 Deciduous trees 3 Water 4 Transitional forest 5 Coniferous forest 6 Tundra 7 Barren land 8 Ice, snow 9 Agr - cropland 10 Agr - rangeland 11 Built-up area