Circa 2000 Landsat ETM+ mosaic of northern Canada A mosaic of northern Canada above the tree line was produced from public domain Landsat ETM+ level L1G bands 3, 4 and 5 ortho-imagery available through the Centre for Topographic Information of Natural Resources Canada. Radiometric normalization was necessary due to different acquisition times among the 446 individual scenes in this mosaic. A highly automated radiometric normalization technique was performed to match scenes to a common radiometric reference consisting of a coarse (1km) apparent reflectance 2000 growing season composite image generated at CCRS from VGT-S01 data from SPOT’s VEGETATION sensor. Normalization involved resampling individual Landsat scenes to 1 km resolution using the VGT point spread function and generating band-specific normalization coefficients between Landsat and VGT using a robust regression technique called Thiel-Sen. This technique has been shown to produce optimal consistency among Landsat scenes in Olthof et al., 2005, and is highly automated allowing production of a mosaic of this size. These data are available in geo-tiff format with 57173 columns and 32914 rows at 90 m resolution obtained by resampling 30 m Landsat data. More information on the processing chain used to generate these data are available in Olthof, Butson, Fernandes, Fraser, Latifovic and Orazietti (2005). Landsat ETM+ mosaic of northern Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (accepted).