CANADA HDD METADATA The aim of this study is to present spatial models of heating degree days (HDD) for Canada for two thirty-year periods, 1951-1980 and 1981-2010, using daily temperature gauge observations over these time periods. Stations with ≤ 10 missing days in a year and ≥ 10 years over each thirty-year period were included, resulting in 1339 and 1679 stations for the 1951-1980 and 1981-2010 periods, respectively. Mean absolute error (MAE) of the models ranged from 124.15°C for the 1951-1980 model (2.7% of the surface mean) to 137.60°C for the 1981-2010 model (2.4%). This note presents a difference map comparing the two models, as well as maps of model standard errors. The available grids for 1951-1980 and 1981-2010 are available at ~2km resolutions as well as csv files of HDD estimates at Canadian communities. Report Date: 2021-08-04 Metadata Data Set Name: Heating Degree Day Climate Data for 1951-1980,1981-2010 1 Identification Information 1.1 Citation: 8 Citation Information: 8.1 Originator: Integrated Ecology and Economics, Great Lakes Forestry Centre (GLFC), Canadian Forest Service (CFS), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) 8.2 Publication Date: 2021-08-04 8.4 Title: Climate Surface HDD 1951-1980,1981-2010 8.8.1 Publication Place: Sault Ste. Marie 8.8.2 Publisher: NRCan 1.2 Description 1.2.1 Abstract: ANUSPLIN calculates (partial) thin plate smoothing spline surfaces (Hutchinson MF. 1995) 1.2.2 Purpose: Modeled climate variables using ANUSPLIN 1.3 Time Period Of Content 9 Time Period Information 9.1 Single Date/Time 9.1.1 Calendar Date: 2021-08-04 1.3.1 Currentness Reference: The publication date 1.4 Status 1.4.1 Progress: Complete 1.4.2 Maintenance and Update Frequency: As needed 1.5 Spatial Domain 1.5.1 Bounding Coordinates West Bounding Coordinate: -143 East Bounding Coordinate: -50 North Bounding Coordinate: 84 South Bounding Coordinate: 40 1.6 Keywords 1.6.1 Theme Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None Theme Keyword: surface Theme Keyword: anusplin Theme Keyword: climate 1.7 Access Constraints: collaborators 1.8 Use Constraints: © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. Acknowledgements for the use of this data would be appreciated. Please cite Dan McKenney (pers. comm) or Hutchinson M.F. 2 Data Quality Information 2.1 Attribute Accuracy 2.1.1 Attribute Accuracy Report: Modeled data dependent on xyz attributes of stations 2.2 Logical Consistency Report: The data is uniform across data points 2.3 Completeness Report: Complete 2.5.2 Process Step Process Description: 1) model surface Process Date: 2021-08-04 4 Spatial Reference Information Geographic Coordinate Units: Decimal degrees 4.1.4 Geodetic Model Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid Name: Geodedic Reference System 80 5 Entity and Attribute Information 6 Distribution Information 6.1 Distributor 10.1 Contact Person Primary 10.1.1 Contact Person: Dan McKenney 10.1.2 Contact Organization: Canadian Forest Service 10.3 Contact Position: Chief, Landscape Analysis and Applications Section 10.4 Contact Address 10.4.1 Address Type: mailing address 10.4.2 Address: GLFC 10.4.2 Address: 1219 Queen Street East 10.4.3 City: Sault Ste. Marie 10.4.4 State or Province: Ontario 10.4.5 Postal Code: P6A 2E5 10.4.6 Country: Canada 10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: 1-705-541-5560 6.3 Distribution Liability: Although this data has been processed successfully on a computer system at the Canadian Forest Service, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data. The Canadian Forest Service shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. 7 Metadata Reference Information 7.1 Metadata Date: 2021-08-04 7.4 Metadata Contact: 10.1 Contact Person Primary 10.1.1 Contact Person: Dan McKenney 10.1.2 Contact Organization: GLFC, CFS, NRCan 10.4 Contact Address 10.4.1 Address Type: email 10.4.2 Email Address: 10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: 1-705-541-5600 7.5 Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standard For Digital Geospatial Metadata 7.6 Metadata Standard Version: June 8, 1994 (Version 1.0)