Metadata model for High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM)

Edition version: 1.0.0 - Date: 2016-10-21


Geometric class : Metadata

Catalogue Name - (French name) Geometry
Metadata model for High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM) Metadata - (Métadonnées) Polygon
Definition Implementation name
Information which describes the metadata and the components to describe the resource. METADATA_2

Attribute Section

Attribute Attribute name Attribute definition
ID Identifier Unique identifier for metadata file.
MD_DATE Creation date Date the metadata file was created or modified.
TEMPORAL_EXTENT_DATE_MIN Temporal Extent Date Minimum Lower bound date of temporal extent. (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
TEMPORAL_EXTENT_DATE_MAX Temporal Extent Date Maximum Upper bound date of temporal extent. (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
PRS_DESCRIPTION_EN English process description English process description used on dataset.
PRS_DESCRIPTION_FR French process description French process description used on dataset.
PRS_DATE_TIME Processing date and time Processing date and time. (format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Ex:2014-10-02T08:05:30)
PRS_ORGANISATION_NAME_EN English organization name English name of the organization that processed dataset. The organization's name may be in french.
PRS_ORGANISATION_NAME_FR French organization name French name of the organization that processed dataset. The organization's name may be in english.
MDI_ABSTRACT_EN English abstract of content Brief english narrative summary of the dataset's contents.
MDI_ABSTRACT_FR French abstract of content Brief french narrative summary of the dataset's contents.
MDI_TITLE_EN English title English name by which the dataset is known. The name of the dataset may be in french.
MDI_TITLE_FR French title French name by which the dataset is known. The name of the dataset may be in english.
MEASURE_DESCRIPTION_PLANI_EN English description of the planimetric measurement English description of the planimetric measurement applied to the dataset to ensure its quality. (Including the unit of measurement of the resulting values)
MEASURE_DESCRIPTION_PLANI_FR French description of the planimetric measurement French description of the planimetric measurement applied to the dataset to ensure its quality. (Including the unit of measurement of the resulting values)
MEASURE_DESCRIPTION_ALTI_EN English description of the altimetric measurement English description of the altimetric measurement applied to the dataset to ensure its quality.
MEASURE_DESCRIPTION_ALTI_FR French description of the altimetric measurement French description of the altimetric measurement applied to the dataset to ensure its quality.
VALUE_PLANI_MIN Minimum planimetric value The minimum planimetric value obtained from a quality test on the data.
VALUE_PLANI_MAX Maximum planimetric value The maximum planimetric value obtained from a quality test on the data.
VALUE_ALTI_MIN Minimum altimetry value The minimum altimetric value obtained from a quality test on the data.
VALUE_ALTI_MAX Maximum altimetry value The maximum altimetric value obtained from a quality test on the data.


Geometric class : Legal constraints

Catalogue Name - (French name) Geometry
Metadata model for High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM) Legal Constraints - (Contraintes légales) Polygon
Definition Implementation name
Legal and prerequisite restrictions to use the resource (data) or to access the metadata. METADATA_2

Attribute Section

Attribute Attribute name Attribute definition
MD_ID Metadata Identifier A unique identifier for a set of metadata to link more than one legal constaint to the metadata_2 class.
USE_LIMITATION_EN Use limitations (english) English statement on fitness for use or restrictions on the use of the resource (data) or metadata.
USE_LIMITATION_FR Use limitations (french) French statement on fitness for use or restrictions on the use of the resource (data) or metadata.
LEGAL_CONSTRAINTS_TYPE_EN English value definition restriction English value on the type of legal constraint. Possible values ​​are: accessConstraints or useConstraints.
LEGAL_CONSTRAINTS_TYPE_FR French value definition restriction French value on the type of legal constraint. Possible values are: contraintesAccès or contraintesUtilisation.
RESTRICTION_TYPE_EN Restriction types (english) English value that best describes restrictions, conditions or warnings to protect confidentiality, intellectual property rights, or any other special restrictions on the resource (data) or metadata. The possible values ​​are: copyright, patent, patentPending, trademark, license, intellectualPropertyRights, restricted, otherRestrictions, licenseUnrestricted, licenseEndUser, licenseDistributor, privacy, statutory, confidential, sensitivity.
RESTRICTION_TYPE_FR Restrictions types (french) French value that best describes restrictions, conditions or warnings to protect confidentiality, intellectual property rights, or any other special restrictions on the resource (data) or metadata. The possible values ​​are : droitAuteur, brevet, brevetEnInstance, marqueDeCommerce, licence, droitsPropriétéIntellectuelle, restreint, autresRestrictions, licenceSansRestriction, licenceUtilisateurFinal, licenceDistributeur, viePrivée, légal, confidentiel, sensible.
OTHER_CONSTRAINTS_EN Other constraints (english) English description on other restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the resource (data) or metadata.
OTHER_CONSTRAINTS_FR Other constraints (french) French description on other restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the resource (data) or metadata.


Geometric Class : Source

Catalogue Name - (French Name) Geometry
Metadata model for High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM) Sources - (Sources) Polygon
Definition Implementation name
Information about the source data used to produce the resource (metadata). METADATA_2

Attribute Section

Attribute Attribute name Attribute definition
MD_ID Metadata identifier A unique identifier for a set of metadata that links more than one data source to the metadat_2 class.
DESCRIPTION_EN English description English statement that describes the source data.
DESCRIPTION_FR French description French statement that describes the source data.
HREF_EN English link to the source Permanent english link to view the data source. The link may point to a french reference.
HREF_FR French link to the source Permanent french link to view the data source. The link may point to an english reference.
TITLE_EN English name The english name by which the cited resource is known. The name of the data source may be in french.
TITLE_FR French name The french name by which the cited resource is known. The name of the data source may be in english.
EDITION Edition - Version Version of the cited resource.
DATE Date Creation date of the data source. (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
SERIES_EN English information on the series. English information about the series or collection of which the resource is a part. The name of the series or collection may be in french.
SERIES_FR French information on the series. French information about the series or collection of which the resource is a part. The name of the series or collection may be in english.
ORGANIZATION_NAME_EN English name of the responsible organization English name of the organization linking the group responsible for the data source. The name of the organization may be in french.
ORGANISATION_NAME_FR French name of the responsible organization French name of the organization linking the group responsible for the data source. The name of the organization may be in english.
